Photographer: A. Jacob

Yellowstone to Yukon

Y2Y's goal is to maintain and sustain the Yellowstone to Yukon eco-region in a way that allows wilderness, wildlife, native plants and natural processes to function as an interconnected web of life.

Grantee Profile

The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) was founded in 1997 as a joint Canada-U.S. nonprofit in order to restore and maintain the natural heritage of the Yellowstone to Yukon region and the quality of life it offers. It is the only organization working to secure the long-term ecological health of that entire region, and does so using a scientific approach that highlights local issues within the region. It is now a network of organizations, institutions, foundations, and conservation-minded individuals who have recognized the value of collaborating to promote the Y2Y mission.

About Our Grants

In 2023, the Woodcock Foundation awarded Y2Y a three-year $623,000 grant to support ongoing efforts to build an interconnected system of lands and waters stretching from Yellowstone to Yukon. These funds support general operating costs, communications efforts, and the Strategic Fund, which enables Y2Y to re-grant to projects being carried out by other local organizations working within its priority areas. In 2024, the Woodcock Foundation awarded Y2Y a $10,000 capacity building grant to support its audience research.