National Young Farmers Coalition

NYFC envisions a just future where farming is free of racial violence, accessible to communities, oriented towards environmental well-being, and concerned with health over profit.

Grantee Profile

Founded by three young farmers in 2010, the National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC) rests on the idea that bringing back what’s missing from agriculture – its young people – is central to solving its many problems. Only by achieving a rapid increase in the number of American farmers and ranchers can we ensure the health and sustainability of our agricultural economy and security of our food system. NYFC is driven by the needs and voices of first-career, young farmers and ranchers. It believes that young people who are willing to work hard, get trained and take on a little risk should be able to support themselves and their families in agriculture. It strongly supports agricultural practices that protect natural resources, improve ecosystems and human health, and sequester carbon.

The organization is headquartered in Hudson, NY, but is national in scope. It mobilizes young farmers across the country to make their voices heard in state and federal policy. In nine years, it established 46 chapters in 29 states, and it represents farmer members in every state in the country. NYFC has demonstrated the power of harnessing young farmer voices to advocate for their success. In 2018, the organization reached new heights of influence and success with historic wins for young farmers in the Farm Bill and a model for farmer-led advocacy. Moreover, NYFC has won significant policy changes which have increased loan access for thousands of farmers, authored and championed narratives that center farming as a public service, and changed the culture of land conservation nationally to bring new innovative models of farmland conservation to scale.

About Our Grants

In 2023, the Woodcock Foundation awarded the National Young Farmers Coalition a two-year, $250,000 grant to support communications efforts and leadership development.