Grantmaking Policy
It has been said that there are as many ways to operate a family foundation as there are families.
Within this landscape, Woodcock has chosen a grantmaking policy that seeks to balance the creativity and interests of individual family members with several of the critical issues of our world today. We proceed from the question Where is the best alignment of what we have to offer with what the world needs? and then actively seek organizations with which to partner on issues of mutual interest and priority. The Foundation’s decision-making across priority issues is grounded in the Guiding Principles.
Ultimately, the course of Woodcock Foundation grantmaking is determined on a case-by-case basis through careful deliberation with grantees, trustees and staff. The Foundation embraces the practice of trust-based philanthropy, with a preference for building long-term relationships with grantees, viewing them as partners, and working closely with them to identify opportunities and offer resources that can help build their capacity and strengthen their organizations. As such, the Foundation typically provides long-term, core funding and makes few grants to new organizations in a given year.
For this reason, and because our resources are limited, we have instituted a policy that unsolicited proposals and letters of inquiry will not be reviewed. We regret the disappointment that this might cause the many worthy grantseekers who hear or read about the Foundation, but we have found that this policy works best for us. This policy spares applicants the frustrating experience of waiting and then being told there is not sufficient alignment or capacity for funding.