
The Woodcock Foundation is committed to aligning 100% of our endowment with our charitable mission, aiming to use all tools at our disposal to promote constructive change.

The Foundation’s approach to impact investing is guided by our Investment Policy Statement, which includes asset allocation targets and offers additional detail on our financial and impact objectives. Assets are managed for both impact alignment and financial return, under the current assumption that the foundation will exist in perpetuity. Investments are listed below with values as of 12/31/2024.

Private Investments

The Foundation’s portfolio of private equity and private debt investments are selected thematically based on positive contribution to our mission. Examples of impact goals across our private investments include equitable and sustainable food systems, conservation, renewable energy and climate, affordable housing, and economic inclusion. We also aim to support equitable access to capital with attention to fund manager diversity and the communities and individuals benefitting from investments.

Affordable Housing

Arc70 Capital Fund IV

Arc70 Capital Fund IV is a private debt fund that invests in affordable housing developments by making tax-exempt mortgage loans to affordable housing developers. The Fund seeks to address the housing crisis through building new homes and preserving existing affordable housing.

Committed Capital: $500,000

Avanath Affordable Housing Renaissance Fund

Avanath Affordable Housing Renaissance Fund is focused on preserving and reinvigorating Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties, increasing their environmental efficiency, and providing services such as after school programming and job training. The Fund conducts GRESB reporting to validate an increasingly lower environmental footprint year over year.

Committed Capital: $500,000

CIM Emerging Market Fund

CIM Emerging Markets Fund is a private debt fund investing in fintech companies and other alternative credit providers that on-lend to micro-small-medium enterprises (MSMEs) and individuals in emerging markets. The Fund seeks to address the 1.7 billion people worldwide who are excluded from financial services due to an inability to access credit.

Committed Capital: $500,000

Kimpact Evergreen Real Estate Fund

Managed by Kairos Investment Management Company, Kimpact is an open-ended real estate fund investing in multi-family housing properties including LIHTC (Low Income Housing Tax Credits) properties, self-regulated market-rate buildings, and senior communities in the US. The Fund’s impact thesis revolves around preserving affordable housing that would otherwise convert to market-rate.

Committed Capital: $750,000

Turner Multifamily Impact Fund II

Turner acquires, preserves, and enriches naturally occurring affordable housing in multifamily properties. The Fund creates scalable social and environmental impact through the implementation of resident-focused programs and property management.

Committed Capital: $500,000

Inclusive Economic Development

ALIVE Acumen LatAm Early Growth Fund II

ALEG II invests in companies and entrepreneurs leveraging technology to tackle economic inequality and transform the lives of low-income communities across Latin America. The Fund utilizes technology to provide education, jobs, sustainable income generation opportunities, and services that improve quality of life.

Committed Capital: $500,000

Bamboo Capital Partners Oasis Fund

Bamboo Capital Partners provides innovative financing solutions to businesses in emerging markets that serve the needs of low- and middle-income populations. The Oasis Fund deploys private equity investments in different energy access business models such as pico-solar and pay-as-you-go models.

Committed Capital: $1,507,200

Illumen Catalyst Fund III

Illumen Catalyst Fund III invests 65% of its capital into funds led by first-time diverse managers and 35% directly into companies led by underrepresented entrepreneurs. The Fund addresses the racial equity gap by launching new funds by racially and gender-diverse teams who have faced structural challenges in finance.

Committed Capital: $500,000

Impact America Fund III

Impact America Fund III is a Black, female-led venture capital fund that invests in early-stage companies. The Fund’s impact layers include supporting a Black, female-led fund, providing capital to diverse founders, and enabling capital to flow into underserved communities.

Committed Capital: $250,000

Impact Engine Private Equity Fund II

Impact Engine Fund II invests in companies that create positive impact through the products they sell. The Fund seeks to improve economic opportunity through access to quality jobs, promote environmental sustainability, and advance health equity.

Committed Capital: $250,000

Lendable SIV Fund

Lendable provides senior-secured debt facilities to early- to mid-stage fintech companies across frontier and emerging markets. Lendable’s impact expands financial inclusion for organizations and individuals by enabling enterprises to expand with non-dilutive capital and enabling individuals to purchase assets on credit.

Committed Capital: $500,000

MicroVest Fund II

MicroVest II is a global fund that makes equity investments in microfinance institutions that create access to financial services for low-income communities.

Committed Capital: $500,000

MicroVest Short Duration Fund

The MicroVest Short Duration Fund is a private credit fund that invests in micro, small, and medium enterprises in frontier and emerging markets. The fund serves un-banked and under-banked borrowers.

Committed Capital: $750,000

Plexo Capital II

Plexo Capital Fund II is a venture capital hybrid fund that seeks to put capital in the hands of those who have been historically underfunded in venture capital by investing in diverse-led venture funds, including emerging managers and first-time fund managers.

Committed Capital: $250,000

Renewable Energy & Infrastructure

Buoyant Ventures

Buoyant Ventures is a venture capital fund that invests in digital solutions for responding to climate change (adaption) and emissions reduction (mitigation). The Fund invests in the Energy, Transportation, Agriculture, and Built Environment industries.

Committed Capital:  $250,000

City Light Impact Ventures III

City Light Impact Ventures is an early-stage investor that aims to build scalable companies with meaningful impact in the areas of education, safety and care, and the environment. Impact Ventures III is focused on clean energy and resource efficiency.

Committed Capital: $500,000

Elevate Diversity Impact Fund

Elevate creates an inclusive clean energy future by elevating diverse talent and disadvantaged communities into a net zero investment wave.

Committed Capital: $250,000

Generate Capital

Generate builds, owns, and operates sustainable infrastructure to deliver affordable and reliable resource solutions for companies, governments, and communities.

Committed Capital: $499,975

Generation IM Sustainable Solutions Fund IV

Generation Fund IV invests in teams delivering responsible innovation at scale and accelerating sustainable industry transitions in planetary health, people health, and financial inclusion.

Committed Capital: $1,000,000

Greenbacker Renewable Energy Company II

GREC II finances the expansion of clean energy production in the United States by directing capital towards construction and operational management of solar and wind projects. Its impact reporting includes calculations of greenhouse gas emissions avoided by its assets.

Committed Capital: $500,000

New Energy Capital Fund IV

New Energy Capital Credit Infrastructure Fund VI is a private debt fund providing flexible capital to companies developing renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure projects.

Committed Capital:$500,000

Vision Ridge Sustainable Asset Fund III

The Fund invests in assets that generate renewable energy, increase energy efficiency, and sustainably manage land and water resources.

Committed Capital: $500,000

Zeal Capital Partners Fund II

Zeal II is a venture capital fund focused on narrowing the wealth and skills gaps through development of innovative technologies, tech-enabled services, and platforms across financial technology, future of work and learning, and health equity. The Fund prioritizes BIPOC and female-led companies located outside of major tech hubs.

Committed Capital: $250,000

Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, and Oceans

Astanor Good Harvest Ventures Fund II

Good Harvest Ventures Fund II’s mission is to disruptive technologists leading the global food and agriculture industry’s regenerative revolution to provide nutrition to people while combatting climate change and protecting biodiversity. The Fund invests in regenerative agriculture and aquaculture, value chain connectors, and agrifood process innovations.

Committed Capital: $500,000

Circulate Capital Ocean Fund

Circulate Capital Ocean Fund is a companion vehicle that will co-invest in waste management and recycling companies in South and Southeast Asia alongside the Firm’s first fund. Circulate plays a role in stemming the tide of plastic waste leakage into oceans while also creating dignified jobs in the recycling sector.

Committed Capital: $250,000

Clear Frontier Meadowlark Lands Fund I

Clear Frontier purchases farmland in the US and transitions it to sustainable farming practices in partnership with local farmers. The Fund aims to turn carbon emissions into a carbon sink by ceasing the use of chemicals and promoting biodiversity.

Committed Capital: $500,000

Lyme Conservation Opportunities Fund

Lyme invests in mitigation banks, forests with high carbon sequestration capacity, and targeted conservation real estate assets. The Fund protects and rehabilitates land that provides vital ecosystem services like flood control and water purification.

Committed Capital: $250,000

New Crop Unovis Alternative Protein Fund II

New Crop seeks to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions caused by livestock production by investing in plant-based and cultivated meat with seed through Series B investments.

Committed Capital: $1,000,000

Ocean 14 Capital Fund

Ocean 14 Capital is a private equity fund protecting ocean health and food security by making growth-stage investments in sustainable fisheries, sustainable agriculture, alternative seafood protein, seaweed, and ocean plastics.

Committed Capital: $250,000


These funds represent three legacy holdings that are not considered to be aligned with the foundation’s mission. As funds are liquidated, they are reinvested to align with our mission.

CharCo No.4 Hedge Fund vehicle

Value: $619,369

CharCo No 5 Private Equity Fund

Value: $9,290,752

Farallon Capital Partners

Value: $243,191

Public Fixed Income

The foundation's public fixed income portfolio utilizes the Positive Impact Bond Strategy - Intermediate duration strategy that seeks to generate income with a focus on identifying issues with proceeds that exhibit a positive impact on society and the environment in a high-quality bond portfolio. Investments primarily are in corporate bonds, taxable municipal bonds, and government agency debt.

The Foundation's bond portfolio includes a focus on green bonds — funds raised to support projects both domestically and around the globe that attempt to mitigate the effects of climate change. Projects funded can include those in the clean energy space (wind, solar, thermal, hydro). Funds can also be used to reduce carbon emissions or footprints (built retrofits) and other related projects, as well as environmental preservation and protection. 

An example of a bond we hold is the California Health Municipal Bond. Proceeds from these bonds were used to fund the No Place Like Home Program under the Department of Housing and Community Development. These funds were distributed to counties for the development of permanent supportive housing for persons who are experiencing homelessness, chronic homelessness, or who are at risk of chronic homelessness and who are in need of mental health services. All counties seeking to apply for funds under the No Place Like Home Program must commit to providing mental health supportive services to tenants for at least 20 years and to coordinate the provision of or referral to other services.

Wasmer Schroeder (Schwab)

The strategy above pertains to the foundation’s Wasmer Shroeder bond portfolio, which seeks to generate income through opportunities with a positive impact on society and the environment in a high-quality bond portfolio.

Value: $15,452,649



Public Equities

The Woodcock Foundation's public equity portfolio has been designed to incorporate social and environmental scoring, tilts, divestment, and engagement to accomplish the goals of values alignment with our mission. We hold a broadly diversified public equities portfolio while tilting away from companies with relatively poor records on issues related to the environment, human rights, diversity, workplace, and corporate governance issues. 

The public equities portfolio is divested from oil, gas, and pipeline companies. It is tilted away from companies with higher carbon footprints and has limited exposure to companies that are large consumers of fossil fuels, such as utilities, The portfolio also tilts towards companies that are seeking to solve environmental challenges in the realms of alternative energy, energy efficiency, green building, pollution prevention, and sustainable water. Likewise, it rewards companies that have comparatively better pro-LGBTQ policies & practices and companies whose products or services directly support reproductive rights.

The public equities portfolio strategically leverages the tools of divestment and shareholder engagement. The portfolio divests from private prisons operations & lending, carbon reserves, fracking, tar sands, oil & gas and consumable fuels, predatory lending, animal testing (non-pharmaceutical), civilian arms production, anti-LGBTQ policy companies, fertilizer & agricultural chemicals and more.

Woodcock leverages its stock ownership by using both proxy voting and shareholder resolutions to influence company decision making. Greater corporate transparency can reduce risk to a company’s brand and profits and ultimately shareholder value. For example, Woodcock sponsored a resolution with Conagra in partnership with As You Sow requesting greater disclosure of pesticide use in their agricultural supply chains. The resolution was successful in spurring change and was withdrawn after Conagra and shareholders came to an agreement. The company agreed to undertake a series of actions to assess and reduce risk related to supply chain pesticides, including establishing goals for risk reduction related to biodiversity loss, soil erosion, and water quality in its supply chains; conducting research on supplier pesticide use patterns and outlining strategies for pesticide risk reduction; and disclosing details of crop-specific sustainability programs for supply chains in its Bird's Eye product line.

Aperio Separately Managed Account

Woodcock’s account with Aperio is broadly diversified while utilizing tilting and screening to improve the portfolio’s social and environmental impact. Woodcock’s direct shareholder engagement takes place through companies held in its Aperio portfolio. 

Value: $33,203,752

Generation Investment Management Global Equity Fund

Generation Investment Management Global Equity Fund is a concentrated portfolio of public companies that integrates sustainability analysis across its investment process. The Fund measures sustainability across a variety of ESG factors, and the firm is committed to aligning its Global Equity portfolio with net-zero emissions by 2040.

Value: $15,454,302

Adasina Social Justice Global ETF

The Adasina Social Justice Global ETF is a highly diversified, global, all-cap portfolio that allows investors to align their portfolios with social justice values. The Fund uses community-sourced impact data to set the standards for how publicly traded companies participate in gender, racial, economic, and climate justice.

Value: $513,403

Nia Impact Capital Global Solutions Portfolio

Nia Global invests in women-led businesses in the sustainability, healthcare, sustainable transportation, affordable housing, and equitable financial services sectors. Nia is an actively managed portfolio where all holdings have women in positions of leadership and all investments are free of fossil fuels, soda, tobacco, and weapons.

Value: $570,956

Vert Global Sustainable Real Estate Fund

Vert Global Sustainable Real Estate Fund specializes in sustainable real estate globally. The fund considers a variety of ESG criteria including green buildings, water reduction, emissions reduction, affordability, diversity, climate policies, and disclosure.

Value: $2,376,642